One the one hand, I don't race motorcyles, have sex with prostitutes, own a gun etc. On the other hand, it's indefensable to worry my pregnant wife like that.
When I was about to leave for college, my mom asked of me only one thing, "Teddy, I'm trusting you with a lot here, I just ask that you don't ride a bike in New York. A woman that I work with's friend died riding her bike in New York". Of course, three weeks later I bought a bike and was riding like an asshole through the streets of New York. Later, I was a part time, semi-dilitante bike messenger. In the meantime, of course, I regularly commuted by bike, chose my jobs based on whether they'd be cool with me biking to work and even went so far as to build an office for my favorite bike non-profit (for a princely sum, of course). It was years until I admitted to my mom that I rode a bike. As fate will probably have it, I'll have a girl and my biking will worry the hell out of her, too.
I'm not going to quit commuting altogether, but now that the days are shorter and my hours at work are longer, I'll be driving in. Either that, or mixing a morning commute in with a MetroLink ride home. I went to a spinning class on Monday, but it was simular to that part in the movie "Interview With A Vampire" when Brad Pitt's character starts sucking blood from rats in order to avoid the guilt of drinking the blood of hot, creole prostitutes. You could also compare it to Tofurkey or a sexual encounter with an inexpensive sex-doll. Running might be an option, or going to a gym or yoga. If it's really not working out, I'll probably pick up boxing or some other semi-dangerous thing that can be done with lots of padding.
I went to a spinning class on Monday, but it was simular to that part in the movie "Interview With A Vampire" when Brad Pitt's character starts sucking blood from rats in order to avoid the guilt of drinking the blood of hot, creole prostitutes. You could also compare it to Tofurkey or a sexual encounter with an inexpensive sex-doll.
Wow. Just... wow.
I've gradually come to realize that part of the thrill for me is in the perception of danger, or maybe more accurately in the challenge. I spent a little time last week on a fixed-gear and san francsisco, and it really brought back all the reasons I like cycling.
My preferred habits are all about being an outlaw, or a post-modern urban cowboy, or something. Negotiating traffic, obstacles, etc. It's kind of juvenile, but I can't deny deriving significant thrills.
On the other hand, people die from all sorts of things, and while it's very unlikely that statistical reason would assuage any mother of expecting wife, the activity isn't (relatively) all that dangerous, especially if you have the right gear, ride a good route, etc.
Good luck finding a replacement fix. :)
I'm glad I'm not the only one here. It makes me feel lke I'm engaged with the world and that it sharpens my reflexes and spacial awareness. A viewpoints exercise where you just might die if you want to hark back to be all NYU about it.
Statistical reason is probably the worst tool to use in assuaging anyone's fears, or so I've found. There's always a way that someone will see themselves as the one person in 80 million that will end their lives shriekng inside of a falling airplane.
That's the reason why I wanted to find something a little more dangerous. Spinning is by far a superior workout, but I notised that I was the only one in the class who looked forward or arched their back to be more aerodynamic. Looking better naked is only a small part of what makes me happy.
Yeah, but you're looking better naked is the reason why Laura's got to be worried in the first place. I can understand it and I can also understand that riding around St. Louis must be a bit safer than speeding through the pedestrian-infested canyons of New York.
On a separate note: I know what you're talking about. Today I got my trailer stuck between a cab and a truck and was flung off my bike into these two posh businessmen talking on the street. They said "Oi, you alright, mate?" And I just said "Yeah dude," and glad to be looking at these guys squarely in the face, I rode to my next sandwich drop.
I have a responsibility to Hungry Londoners. And they NEED me.
And, i have a new blog that I'm not too sure about.
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