Monday, November 14, 2005

House Guests

Kristine dropped off Milo to stay with us for a couple of days. Milo is a boston terrier which places him in the same weight class as Pig. Pig, who is usually at a loss for a simular sized dog to tussle with. They've been dog fighting ever since Milo got onto the scene. Milo is definitely more of a natural scrapper, but Pig has definitely come into his own over the last couple of days and tood advantage of his greater reach and height to make up for his general lack in ferocity. Here's a little action shot I just took:

Also on the scene was Laura's brother Michael. He was in town for a friend's birthday party and stayed over here. His parents gave him some money to spend on food for the three of us, and we had awesome dinner in Billyburg and brunch at Enids on them. Thank you Becky and Rick. It was a treat to have him around, I got to hear all kinds of good dirt on Laura as a kid and the strange little kid games they used to play growning up in Wellseley Mass. I'll be seeing him again in a couple of weeks when we go up to Mass for Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

Daniel said...

I once saw milo at a dog run in my hood, beat the crap out of a few dogs 5x his size.

Then he turned to me, humped my leg, and bitch slapped me when he was finished.